Tag Archives: regard

Have regard for your name

Have strong regard for your name –

“Have regard for your name, since it will remain for you longer than a great store of gold.” The Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 41:12

I often tell my students that they must always do their best, in their assignments and especially when they are at work. So whenever they have to put their name on their work, they feel proud. In other words, if you do not have pride in your work, then improve on it as your name is your reputation and your work is a reflection on you.
On a similar note, LinkedIn is a great way to network and showcase your work. And I’m always on the lookout to improve in it as well as how I can use it. I just came upon this and thought that it may be useful to you too http://marketingthink.com/change-your-linkedin-profile-from-a-resume-to-a-reputation-destination/
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